Third Degree Burns

Also, all this happened after Lucy's father beat the shit out of her for being honest about what she believed were her sins, when she was hoping or forgiveness and was told she wouldn't get it. Then we saw her visiting Harry and telling her that she had been abused by all the men in her life and that she deserved

Crap, I forgot to mention- I know what Darrow's game is now! I was wondering last week how he knew Abby had been to Seder and why he was taking such an interest in her spiritual life, since it was shown pretty explicitly early on that he's Christian not Jewish, but I just chalked it up to him knowing everything that

Well, that whole thing with not getting airplay/streaming and exposure you just enlightened us about is stupid and I don't know why it's happening. If it's because it's on WGN then that's counterintuitive and stupid too, because they won't get a better reputation or prestige if no one knows they have good shows.

This episode would be an A for me, just for finally hitting the Meeks spying slow-burn storyline hard, which provided probably the tensest episode of this show ever. I was biting my nails all the way through, because I do give a shit about all these characters- Meeks, Fritz, Jeannie- and I was hoping it could somehow

Jesus FC, Mike Milligan is a very bad man. He's also a very BAD man, which is why I was cheering when he did not die, but killed those motherfuckers come to kill him. I know there's almost no chance he'll come out of this alive, but going down in some seedy hotel room, even when looking his best, is not the way Mike

SO great, ungh. Loved it.

You're right, they probably couldn't walk out, not with all that top-secret info they're privy to. In fact, I'd be surprised if their being asked to work on the gadget didn't come with very few rights for them, as workers and scientists. Look at Sid Liao's whole mess with his own inventions. But that's what makes it

Knowing that this is based in history but not historically accurate, but that many things they're dramatizing here actually did happen (Oppenheimer's affairs, etc.), I now want to look up if there really was some action by the scientists at Los Alamos about wanting to have a say in wha was done with their bomb. That,

Yeah, he's a stone-cold, super competent assassin. Every time he was creeping around buildings in the episode, I was like, okay, he needs to die right now. He's so dangerous and amoral.

I noticed her eyeliner but didn't have the historical context to know it was anachronistic. What would she be wearing, that frosted makeup that was all over the 70's?

I know, I guess there was such a reaction to that decor that I had it drummed in to me that it was bad taste. But you're right, a lot of that stuff is coming back in measured doses. All I'm saying is, I could be very comfortable living in those houses as is, but it would probably be embarrassing to have people over

I really liked this episode, definitely an A. This show never gets lower than a B, so I really wish more people were aware of this quality show, esp. considering how many people watch shows that regularly get C's and D's here. Look, an alternative!

I knew I recognized it, but I thought it was from like mid-00's, but the review says it was "Colorblind" which looking it up was by The Counting Crows from '99 and was also used in Cruel Intentions. Which must be where I know it from but I haven't seen that movie in a long time.

A lot actually, especially in the first season. This season, as the run-up time to the bomb gets closer, has been busy building tension all over the place so far, but this episode feels like one that's been finally integrating Frank back onto the Hill, so I'm sure we'll start hearing more about the gadget again soon.

They've been putting things on their Facebook since they started filming and it's really just making me impatient for it to come back.

They've been putting things on their Facebook since they started filming and it's really just making me impatient for it to come back.

They've been putting things on their Facebook since they started filming and it's really just making me impatient for it to come back.

That's next on my to watch list. And I think your sentiment applies to a show that I did just watching as well, which is Manhattan. Really enjoy that and think it's worth it.

Yes to all that, plus Noreen's sweater, if you had that today you wouldn't even know it wasn't something you bought new.

Ugh, how he could Lou have still thought that chucklefuck had any answers after that tone-deaf war movie story at the urinals. Which he could barely remember (shout-out to already encroaching cognitive decline?).