Shawn P Zero

Mike Myers
Does anyone else think he was influenced by Dave Thomas' work? Two sketches, in particular, made me think this when I first saw them - "All The Long-Leggity Beasties" on the last episode and the British film festival piece on this one. The over-the-top accents and the repetitive shouting of certain

Maybe because Season 4 was the first one released on DVD? The first three seasons still haven't been released, except for some episodes on "Best of the Early Years."

This is true. I still remember a parody of Neil Diamond's "America" that Short sang on the Letterman show almost 15 years ago. It was all about Canadian entertainers that made it big in the US:

The "Early Years" set covers mostly third season material because that's the season Shout! Factory was planning to release next. When that got bogged down in music rights disputes (I think there was some trouble over a Neil Young-related piece - "Neil Jung"?), they released the best-of.

He flubs another line in that setup too, referring to "the IQ of white intellectual superiority" when I'm sure the line was "the idea of…".