You mean does Scarlett know about his secret? I don't think so. I have a feeling she's going to get hurt by Will and find out, possibly spilling the beans.
You mean does Scarlett know about his secret? I don't think so. I have a feeling she's going to get hurt by Will and find out, possibly spilling the beans.
Ah, a mention of the Overseas album. I keep hoping that the AV Club will review it, but I guess—since it was a June release—it's no longer relevant. It's probably not the *best* album of 2013, but I've played it more than all of the other albums I've heard this year
I really dug this episode. It was doing everything I wanted the show to do. I'm actually liking Avery, too!
I remember really, really hoping that "Men in Black" would be used for the Will Smith / Tommy Lee Jones movie when it was first announced. Silly me.
@avclub-58369e57fb6c405420767b8c06ad3d73:disqus It's a re-release, I'm pretty sure. Oddballs has been out for at least a few years.
I might be the only one, but I thought the flashbacks were super cheesy. The acting was fine, but the filters made it seem like, well, something out of a daytime soap.
@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus Right on, man. It's my favorite Black tune by far. Wish it would've made it to an album, but at least it gives me reason to revisit the soundtrack from time to time.
This was my first exposure to Black and (later) the Pixies. I only love about half of this soundtrack, but man, it single-handedly got me into about seven awesome artists.
I agree. I haven't heard the album in full (I don't know if I even want to at this point), but I definitely dig the song. And I definitely dig that gonzo video.
Or a sub dad!
I (gulp) actually kinda like this tune. I don't know why. Forgive me, please.
I thought the first season was a mess, so the second must've been pretty rough.
For what it's worth, the extras on the DVD set mention that this season was filmed in Belfast—there are way more old-looking structures than in London.
What I think Foyle's War does really, really well is find the middle ground between the cozy British murder mystery and the darker, bleak Luther-style stuff (without ever being too grim or cute itself). Love this show.
Alasdair is right—"The Cage" and "Sunflower" are much, much better episodes than this. Not that this one was bad, of course. I was really skeptical of the slide from WWII to more John le Carre territory, but the second and third episodes of this season really won me over.
Agreed. One of those albums that still sounds fresh several decades later. There really isn't a bum track on the album. (Plus, the new remastered version bundles in the b-side "Wonderland," which is my vote for their best song.)
@witlesschum:disqus You're probably right. I just think it'd be funny if one of these well-regarded swordsmen who we don't really see in action (Mance, to a degree, but also Garlan Tyrell and others) was actually a total joke.
Don't forget about Arianne.
I know I'm in the minority with this, but here goes: the Dornish stuff is my favorite in the series. There.
Makes me laugh EVERY TIME. I have a theory that his legendary prowess with a sword has no basis in fact.