
The leader during that scene definitely announced himself as Lorch, which surprised me.

@avclub-e6ec91cba600ca785d5e02beb0d0c8eb:disqus Yeah, I love the Hotah chapters. I love all of the Dorne chapters, for that matter. At this point, I think I'm rooting for Doran to come out on top (or at least join forces with whoever comes out on top).

Good call! Great tune on a (pretty) great album.

I'd love to see the Blackfish (always has been one of my favorite characters), but I could see him being written out of the show. At least, I could see this as of now — he might have a more important role to play in the last two books.

Come to think of it, Blue Öyster Cult has done this several times. Some of their better-selling greatest hits albums are all re-recorded versions with newer band line-ups. And then they re-recorded older songs for their newer albums. Whatever works, I guess.

Word of mouth spreads.

I've been wondering about this too. Who knows — maybe it'll be a big commercial hit? Still, I have a hunch that Joe Q. Public might just hate it.

Agreed about Searching for God Knows What, @avclub-bb62eddac0eea1f94c1436348c113c56:disqus . If I recommend one of Miller's books to people, it's that one.

From what I've read, the new Sun Kil Moon album is mostly going to be nylon string guitar-only stuff. I love anything Mark Kozelek touches, but come on, man — pull out the pedal board again.

Proofreading away all of those capital letters would be annoying.

I think you're spot on with Doran. Dude rocks my face.

Same here — I've been making references to this potato for almost 20 years and no one has gotten the reference. Good to see there are like-minded folk here.

For all of the problems the miniseries version of The Shining has, I think the Room 217 stuff here is a hundred times creepier.

So much in the Spycraft 2.0 system is optional, though — the basic system is a slightly more crunchy version of the Star Wars/Spycraft 1st rule system. There is a ton of insane stuff in the newer rulebook, sure, but using all of it almost seems masochistic.

Which editions have you played with Shadowrun? Some of the crazy system quirks were weeded out by the third edition, and the game system was totally overhauled a few years ago for the fourth ed. I think this new version completely waters the game's flavor down, but hey — some people say it's easier to use!

Good point. I noticed on the reviews there too that the version of Robocop that is streaming is NC-17, even though it's labeled as R.

It think it just comes down to the fact that Netflix probably was only able to get the rights to put the R-rated cut on streaming. It's not like Reed Hastings is wading through reels of film and cackling while he's snipping frames out.

Editing would've just made the responses more confusing, but regardless it still had the "edited by…" tag on there. So….I'm going back to bed.

It took me three hours to figure out what I did wrong. AWESOME. *POW*