Hapless Flunky

[Leans in to podium]

Or Randy Marsh - "I'm sorry, I thought this was America!"

Trick question: Bond and Steed are both future Doctors.


He's smart.

That's no dick, it's a space station.

Goddammit, this is exactly how the Third Reich got started.

Thanks Obaron.

Now that you mention it, I do recall that Grover Cleveland shat on my chest on two non-consecutive occasions…

"He didn't really care for Jews. He thought they were a bit much.

The AV Club

Time has ravaged your once youthful looks. "Moon Pie"… what a time to be alive.

The man never flopped a world in his life!

Are we sure he had twins and it's not just, y'know…?

It's just like LeBron going back to Cleveland. I can't wait for Nabin to lead us all to dislocated shoulders, busted kneecaps and glorious defeat!

This is very important… minus.

I'm keeping the Kleenex handy at work. And not for the usual reasons.

The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.

He's one of the few people you'll meet who's written more books than they've read.