The Invisible Handjob

I actually assumed those would be available like the Summit Ice and The Movement stuff. Maybe they can only produce so much merch for mass consumption.

Every interview with one of the business owners / non-Nathan participants has proven that your theory is wrong. They are not in on it, they're not told to play up anything, their reactions are natural. People are so unwilling to believe that for some reason.

So 2 of the 3 music reviews today are Justin Bieber and One Direction.

I'd second Ghostfucker's excellent post, as well as point out that you saw probably the "meanest" episode where the scheme is just straight up telling bald-faced lies. Usually they're a little more clever/outrageous than that.

Somehow someone on Reddit was able to talk to Ellen, the bar owner.

I liked the bald bearded guy sipping his invisible beer and staring into space during the rehearsal.

I started cackling as soon as it was revealed the first 2 theater-goers loved it and it became clear what was going to happen.


That's also my only beef with it. I just want someone to have a real job in a TV show. PR for bands is not a relatable occupation.

I also blazed through it at a very uncharacteristic pace. Really exciting for something to come out of the gate this good.

Same! With a little "Kill v. Maim" mixed in.

Yeah, I loved Slade House but it's definitely imperfect. The exposition delivered by the twins in the "lacuna" at the end of every chapter was so clunky.

"You Just Haven't Earned It Yet, Baby"

Fuck my job. Worked until 9 last night doing something I was ordered to do even though it was completely pointless and no one even noticed or cared.

Booze/beers thread

Boring answer but coffee I guess.

I just finished Margaret Atwood's The Heart Goes Last. It was a page-turner (read it in 5 days which is very fast for me) but not an exceptionally great one. Paper-thin characters. Still a decent bizarre black comedy.

Franz Ferdinand - Twilight Omens
Bruce Springsteen - Johnny 99
The National - England
Interpol - Evil
The Decemberists - Don't Carry It All

No way was she just there for the meal. They both liked movies!

Hilarious they made sequels to The Matrix? joke