
Good Episode
But more importantly, does anyone know who the artist is that covered Peter Schilling's "Major Tom (Coming Home)" for the Lincoln MKZ commercial that aired during House? I have far too many versions of this song on my iPod and I could always use another?

A little heavy on the Ant-Semitism tonight, no?
"It's all Sandy Koufax or the Holocaust with you people. It's boring."

Not looking forward to this
Like Zach said, I thought the original "Life on Mars" ended on a perfect note. I'll watch, but if Keeley Hawes (who is gorgeous, in or out of '80s fashion btw) finds out what "really happened" to Sam Tyler, I am going to be pretty disappointed.

It's back!
Hooray for Book Vs. Film's return! I can't wait to see Tasha's take on "Let the Right One In."

Music at the end of the Episode
What was that song that played as Michael was in the water? I thought for sure it was Portishead but I can't for the life of me find it.

I may be going deaf but….
Is there any way to adjust the volume on this thing?

I can't figure out if Saul Rosenbear's "die in a log cabin fire" relates to the gay thing (ie Log Cabin Republicans) or the New England thing. Either way, kudos sir!

"…then repaired to the veranda for a cigarette"
Who says shit like that in everyday conversation? Did the NYT interview mothers from the antebellum South for this article?

Given what I expected/feared…
A B grade gives me hope that I might actually be able to enjoy the film on its own merits

B- is too generous
Berry is good at crafting images, but he really fails at putting it together in a cohesive narrative. Try Joe Gores's Spade and Archer for a much better narrative in the style of Chandler and Hammett- its a new "prequel" to The Maltese Falcon, but its much better than that sounds.

I'm so torn
Tracy Morgan-fuuny

I Loved You So Long
Is this worth seeing? Friends raved about Kristin Scott Thomas's performance to me, but this mini-review makes it kind of sound like the movie drags for far too long.

Assassin Name
Outside of John Wilkes Booth, has there ever been an actor name that sounds more like a future assassin than Jackie Earle Haley?

Where will I get my weekly dose of Gretchen Mol now? There's only so many times I can watch Rounders or the Notorious Betty Page on DVD.

I thought d-bag was the appropriate nomenclature around here, and as for low-budj, I stole it shamelessly from Ed Burns, because, you know, I know how much all the hipsters around here revere Ed Burns.

Snrip Snoff
Snickers has just shamelessly ripped off Sheetz, who have been abbreviating all of its convenience store food with a Sh. For example, muffins become shmuffins—which incidentally is a great hangover food.

Oh Dear
Why must Interpol sully their already tainted reputation further by becoming pretentious, d-bag, low-budj film-makers?

A C? Really?!
Okay, I know its not as good as Citrus, but I thought that it was a pretty strong effort. Sing Tomorrow's Praise and Transparence in particular are brilliant tracks getting a lot of play in my iPod.

World Cafe can be hit or miss. For every time that Andrew Bird or Neko Case is on, they also have Dan Wilson (of Semisonic), Sheryl Crow or (please God no!) Brian Setzer.

Killing off Major Bad Guys
I think my problem with this show is that there is so much time to kill, they have to create this minor-league bad guys that are built up to be real evil SOBs and then they are killed off casually within a few hours of being introduced. I mean Tony Todd as Juma is pretty cool, but you know