
thanks for clearing that up!

Has Mr Gold left Storybrooke?

Or horses for that matter? My readers are equally intrigued by both species.

This is almost unrelated to the show but I can't help hoping that certain things with happen and the show will go down an unexpected path.
This week, the very second Daniel was on screen I wanted him to be Westley. I wanted this episode to be the first chapter of the Princess Bride. I wanted Gina to be an oblivious

Mushroom Kingdom? Are we gonna see Mario 'fixing' Regina's pipes?
Oh obs gyn Mario!

He learnt to dial it back after Junky was a little too commited.

I thought it was her heart from Regina's vault, presumably that's like a a fairytale heart cause I assume Sherrif wasn't missing a heart when they did the autopsy.

I haven't finished the episode but "that hot chocolate ain't gonna drink itself" the most amazing line to a small child ever.

The Archmage of the Aether

Least interesting comment ever, my glasses are almost identical to Jim Rash's in that video.

I was also thinking about the way the overall plot has changed. With some chagrin, I sort of miss what it used to be. It used to be more fun and zany but incredibly predicible and a bit annoying. Now it's serious and meaningful, with lots of backstory.

I was about to reply The Bloody Chamber is about Bluebeard but apparently that's the name of the whole book as well.

I think they'd both be seriously improved by a zombie bite. The Walking Dead/Once Upon a Time crossover no one's been waiting for!

I still can't get over the fact that there's a dwarf named stealthy who dresses in all black. I will never stop laughing at it. I can't believe no one (that I've noticed) has mentioned they are hatched FULLY-CLOTHED. Dwarves grow clothes like the beard they are born with.

Pete has actually always been one of my favourites.

I, as an Australian, download a lot of TV shows so I can participate
here. This isn't too relevant to what Todd is talking about, as the
services available to American users are not available to me. I watch
things usually only a day late, I still get things spoiled for me. A GIF
of the Community bottle episode ruined

She was angry at Nolan cause he was meant to be making sure Jack left without running into Amanda, presumably.

I don't think the blood on Daniel's jacket is Amanda's because it's a spray and Amanda was shot like hours ago.

This was a thoroughly entertaining way to waste my life.

I have been rewatching the intial scene of the photo being picked up after the gun is shot, and it CLEARLY Daniel, after the first shot is fired, who falls: there is a clear shot of this cheekbone and there's not the scratch that Tyler has from Amanda hitting him but there IS blood spray on his jacket. Next it goes to