
Oh my god, I totally forgot that.

I am totally up for a gorilla suited stalker!

I'm going to pull out a shitty shitty card here and say I'm Australian. This does not fit my stereotypical view of what an African American should look like.

I may be the only one who remembers this but it's important to me.
One of Rachel's dads is meant to be black!

I just came here to say that exact thing! They're only stepsies-related!
Fun make-out times in Storybrooke!
Henry will realise the truth and bring his two mothers together for the romancing that sends everyone back to fairyland and the book has a new chapter about a plucky little mouse with two mothers who both love

Not being American myself, Lincoln's accent sounds exactly like what I think of when I think… wherever Atlanta is? I dunno, but he sounds like country folk.

I reckon it'd be so slow, that he'd start taunting Lana and they'd end up having sex and they'd harpoon the other balloon.

I am totally hanging for the hot air balloon bottle episode now.

I have just realised how this could infact be the best TV show ever in the world.

The only real take-away I had from this episode was that in one scene Beckett has like SUPER curly hair. What was with that? Does she have curly hair any other time? Not in this episode for sure. She looked like Debra Messing.

I couldn't quite figure out the motivation of the kid's mother to not tell the dad, she had twins and they were his… The fact they only had sex once and met camping didn't seem like an actual reason.

Maybe he didn't realise Violet was a teenage girl but thought she was some kind of violet flavoured cake and so she felt compelled to clear up that she did not infact need walking.

I can't believe the most awful line if the episode delivered by Violet

I kinda thought that the reason the womb ghost could talk and stuff is because it continued to grow at the real boy grew. So it kinda caddied for the real kid's soul. (I have no idea what a caddy does)