
Have you never seen a Stan Lee era Marvel comic cover?

Grodd supplied the clothes. Surely you've heard of the Grodd of the Gap.

If you don't know what a singularity is, and you're in *any* of the sciences, demand your money back immediately.

Didn't see these before I made the same complaint. Seriously, Was it just brain freeze? (Y'know… 'cause she's going to be Killer Frost next season… I shouldn't explain jokes.)

Or as Iris yells at him during the maelstrom, "Eddie, why not a vasectomy?" "It won't work!" How abut I bite your weiner off?" "That would work, thanks for the tip."

Geek time: Comics explanation is that because he was out of his own time, and the wormhole was momentarily part of the speed force, he is sucked into said speed force and becomes a creature outside of time. No matter what he does, he will continue to exist.

Before I say this, let's make it clear that I loved, loved, loved this season of television. If I have a beef, it's the sudden dumbing down of Caitlin for the sake of this episode. Twice she asked dumbass questions that anyone with AP high school credits would know. Why didn't Ronnie ask them? Dunno. But if she

…So why isn't there an ongoing review of the show?

That scene with them all together is pretty much how I picture Oasis reunions.

With the DCNU, they did a nice job rehabilitating Aquaman right in the first Justice League issue. But for those who don't think he's always been a badass, type "Aquaman throws polar bear" into your search engine of choice.

I'm never really sure why people can't take these shows for what they are. They are doing what Smallville did, and there weren't many problems there. But the f-ing Birds of Prey/Green Arrow (Smallville) clocktower… again?

Fair cop. The jellybeans during Occupy were a reference to the story.

You do understand that the story predates Occupy by quite some time. It can be used, in the moment, as allegory, but Repent Harlequin —> Occupy, not the other way around. It very a very short story, so give it a look before you make a comment that shows complete absence of knowledge of the subject. I know, I know,

Don't know about that. Just after Davros appeared in NuWho, I had to look him up, found my way back to his first appearance, but that was part of a longer arc, which took me back further, until I finally just said f- it, and watched everything from the beginning. Really glad that the one set they've recently found

The biggest continuity problem was saying the eldest Hill was kicked to Rear-D "two weeks ago". the out of order thing is really telling, and so much effort is put into writing this show that at least some should have been put into fixing those tiny things. Totally split on this ep. I loved the Cody stuff, but not

That there was a personal issue with Watson that allowed her to thrive in Sherlock's semi-sociopathic presence has long been lurking in the background. I kind of feel cheated that it was dumped on us simply by monologue. Monologues about parentage are for real life, not drama. I'm surprised that Sherlock didn't

Sorry, caught that you were calling him troll after posting. The way comments are sorted now makes it hard to follow sometimes (I dooooo love to make excuses). I want out of this thread. And I think I can make my stupid brain leave it alone. The End…?

I'm not being a troll. I'm trying to put up an actual physiological argument. You can accuse me of not doing it well—I probably didn't—but not of being a troll. Yes, I was comparing what happens to me to what happens to him. I never called it an anxiety attack, because it isn't. It's trained revulsion.

I said I wasn't playing anymore, but for the record, I'm not offended nor angry. Never was. And I would never say something is "in someone's head" in the way you're interpreting it. Yes, it is in your head because it was trained to be there. That's all. That's the whole of the argument. The rest was explanation. That

I'm not playing anymore. You didn't read what I actually wrote, and you're spiraling into smaller and smaller examples to prove that you're right about a point I didn't make. Lower down, you've said you've missed a train because of this problem, and in each of your replies to me you've gotten it to being more directly