Fred Garvin


Good interview
He's now more than "that boxing spaz on Million Dollar Baby" or "the kid in the Don Johnson lawyer series."

Mmmm…car wash scene…

Marvin rules!

Ten tables and three spots!

Donde esta Casa de Pepe?

I know he didn't say this, but…

"I love to see Herman get a beatin' Hey Hey Hey!"

Call him Snake.

Have Giada, Nigella, Claire, Cat, Chela and Sandra Lee do it, film it and let Ebert do the DVD commentary.

Yeah. Adam Sandler and Al Pacino. Real butterballs.

The first CG portrayed The Man With the Yellow Hat as a total dumbass (enhanced by Will Ferrell's vocal work). Maybe CG2 will correct this character error.

Kurt was the kid from It Happened at the World's Fair who kicked Elvis in the shins so E could hang out with Nursy Nurse.

Carol Ann!


I wonder what is ZMF's favorite cupcake. Mine is Amy Adams.

Put the lotion in the basket.

Thank you, Scott Blacula. Everyone in my office turned around and is wondering why I'm laughing. Well done.

Need. Need! NEED!!!
