Guy Montag

I see a little lice.

Funny, even 20 years later:

Or he lost on purpose 'cause he didn't want to be president with the country in the shape it was in 2008. As soon as she gave that Katie Couric interview I knew it was all over.

Read his autobiography. He cares very much, and it's all quite calculated.

The dudes in that picture are QUITE upset that they signed the no-inspection clause when buying their investment condo in Aspen.

At least you could still go for a soda. Nobody hurts.

Grace Under Pressure is still my favorite Rush album, and I loved Hold Your Fire at the time. I've just never been able to get past the synth-horn stabs and the thin, Casio tone on Power Windows. Yeah, dated in a bad way.

Snow Removal
Snow Removal Machine

Big Black totally stole this song from Rush.

And the first order needed to blow up the whole planet (D'Qar?) in order to defeat the campground sized resistance base.

C'mon. It's Lemmy. For all decades.

The Dickies!

Love is the Seventh Wave of Mutilation

He's the only bad guy who isn't afraid to get in Vader's face and who didn't get force choked.

It was 1980. Fonzie and and the Duke boys were considered cool too.

That shit never happened, pal.

It's more of a Fettish than a fantasy.

It's only a model.

Building fortresses around hearts makes a man hungry.

I liked the elevator fans better.