
I assumed he is in no hurry to meet Toni.  "Her mother the lawyer" is the natural enemy of the kid diddler.

I assumed he is in no hurry to meet Toni.  "Her mother the lawyer" is the natural enemy of the kid diddler.

"…it is better to live here in sackcloth and ashes than to own the whole state of Ohio.” ― Lafcadio Hearn

"…it is better to live here in sackcloth and ashes than to own the whole state of Ohio.” ― Lafcadio Hearn

I remember as a kid, my brother and sister and I woke up at maybe 4 o'clock one Christmas and went to town on the gifts.  When my parents finally woke up, we really couldn't understand why they were upset.  We figured Santa gave the loot to us, so…  Where do you even fit into this equation, Mom?

I remember as a kid, my brother and sister and I woke up at maybe 4 o'clock one Christmas and went to town on the gifts.  When my parents finally woke up, we really couldn't understand why they were upset.  We figured Santa gave the loot to us, so…  Where do you even fit into this equation, Mom?

The scorched rabbit head from season one also makes an appearance in there.

The scorched rabbit head from season one also makes an appearance in there.

It's cinema verite…  TV Louis CK sometimes lets an entire cigarette burn across his forearm the same way the real Louis CK does.

It's cinema verite…  TV Louis CK sometimes lets an entire cigarette burn across his forearm the same way the real Louis CK does.

It's the same as how Louie's ex-wife is black, despite having the whitest children ever concieved, and that he apparently inhabits a world where g-men accost vagrants in the street and replace them with dopplegangers for like, no reason.  It's just the surreal flavor of the Louieverse.

It's the same as how Louie's ex-wife is black, despite having the whitest children ever concieved, and that he apparently inhabits a world where g-men accost vagrants in the street and replace them with dopplegangers for like, no reason.  It's just the surreal flavor of the Louieverse.

I'm not an expert or anything, but last time I crossed the wires like that the fuse blew right away.

I'm not an expert or anything, but last time I crossed the wires like that the fuse blew right away.

Episode 14?  More like episode 9 loser!  In your face!

Episode 14?  More like episode 9 loser!  In your face!

Yes, that's French they're speaking, and these children aren't French, they're AMERICAN.

IIRC, the song is "Theme From Nice" by Nice.

A while back I was heavily into tape trading for P&P. I'm pretty sure I managed to collect all of the shorts. One of these days I'm going to get my VHSs converted to .avi and get it online.

That didn't occur to me but someone on the boards suggested it and it made perfect sense. That, or I figured they already had something in the past and it ended amicably. It seemed like something was keeping him and Janette apart beyond just professional decorum.