
Nope, @avclub-c7c3fc1bf6d887eb7e013ae2a4ce13e0:disqus , I'm watching it week by week as we write the posts.

Nope, @avclub-c7c3fc1bf6d887eb7e013ae2a4ce13e0:disqus , I'm watching it week by week as we write the posts.

The Huck Finn scene is very well described and analyzed from the standpoint of ethics by Jonathan Bennett in the wonderful essay "The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn."

The Huck Finn scene is very well described and analyzed from the standpoint of ethics by Jonathan Bennett in the wonderful essay "The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn."

The kind of monster whose not-having-watched-Firefly is part of the premise of this here very column.

The kind of monster whose not-having-watched-Firefly is part of the premise of this here very column.

The vagaries of being stuck with the way the article gets built before I get to it. I can change the article title, but not the URL (which is created when the article title is input at creation).

The vagaries of being stuck with the way the article gets built before I get to it. I can change the article title, but not the URL (which is created when the article title is input at creation).

Not to get all pedantic, @eric827:disqus , but I actually agree with that statement. Heaven help them if they cite it as a source, but that's not because it's Wiki-, but because it's -pedia. I wouldn't accept Brittanica in a bibliography either. To start your research or get a quick overview, though? Can't beat a

Not to get all pedantic, @eric827:disqus , but I actually agree with that statement. Heaven help them if they cite it as a source, but that's not because it's Wiki-, but because it's -pedia. I wouldn't accept Brittanica in a bibliography either. To start your research or get a quick overview, though? Can't beat a

I'm glad you noticed that, Adherent. I worked hard on that oxymoron. Watch the scene and tell me it's not accurate.

I'm glad you noticed that, Adherent. I worked hard on that oxymoron. Watch the scene and tell me it's not accurate.

The story according to Wikipedia:

The story according to Wikipedia:

You may be right, I had to attribute it from memory because I didn't write it down in my notes.

You may be right, I had to attribute it from memory because I didn't write it down in my notes.

Glad you brought it up, Stuff. I love "Sloop John B." anyway, and there's something about the singalong feeling that makes the communal spirit at the end of the episode come alive.

Glad you brought it up, Stuff. I love "Sloop John B." anyway, and there's something about the singalong feeling that makes the communal spirit at the end of the episode come alive.

Can't wait to talk with you all about this in a few weeks.

Can't wait to talk with you all about this in a few weeks.