
Thoros has a quote to Brienne that's pretty exemplary, "Justice. I remember justice. It had a pleasant taste. Justice was what we were about when Beric led us, or so we told ourselves. We were king’s men, knights, and heroes… but some knights are dark and full of terror, my lady. War makes monsters of us all"

Mance was more important in the books as proving Melisandre was actually capable of some hocus pocus. He was also crucial in assembling the rescue party that assisted Jeyne and Theon out of the castle. It would be interesting as reveal but at this point he's definitely not crucial. However, I disagree in regards to

Considering he wrote Forest of the Dead it really is a WTF moment…

I was waiting for and expecting a bit of a Ten moment…Something similar to the rage he displayed in Forest of the Dead, "Don't play games with me! You just killed someone I liked, that is not a safe place to stand"…But there ended up being nothing, 12 never even says her name

I did that with Once Upon A Time for a while…I got a kick out of seeing the current show watchers slowly get angrier and angrier with plotholes and the dumb lineage and everything about the show but eventually I even stopped that because it became too stupid. Seems like it would have been a bright idea for True Blood

Yeah, the show likes to do that…But season six has some of the funniest episodes…Seven is all about the Leviathan…Eight is the discovery of John Winchester's parentage, which leads to some cool stuff and nine was a game changer…I just find it incredibly entertaining and while it's not HBO it helps that both male leads

I didn't want to watch this episode but I was going to. Then I came here to sort of prepare myself for the madness. I'm glad I did because I can't see myself wasting my time. I have friends who have abandoned this season just because of last season's horrendous finale and I want to quit so bad at this point…Two

While he would have been missed the seasons we did have him, they should have abandoned the Russell-cement-tomb-plot line and brought it up for the finale…It would be much more interesting to see Russell killing everyone NOW since there would be real potential for everyone to get offed

Did anyone catch what Courtney (not Nora) was saying about the government's involvement besides the interviews being incinerated? I thought during Nora's little zone out she may have said something about the departed being some sort of government conspiracy and the word plasma was thrown around

Things I regret: Saying I didn't care about the dude who drank from Joer Mormont's skull in this season's GoT…I would much rather watch the mutinous Night Watch plot again and again than whatever this episode was

Thank you. While I considered the possibility that the woman had gone home in the parking lot she showed Patti (in note form) that she had been in the bathroom, so I kind of figured she never left the little gas station. I just found parts of the situation odd but the GR is odd so I guess we should come to expect more

I never comment but I have some questions that haven't been addressed in the review or the comments (I'm especially surprised about the latter but I get that the review itself was distracting)