
Drew It to Me One More Time

Drew Talkin' Drew Too to Me?

With this ring…I thee web????

I love the Tick, but I agree that was a terrible game (though props for drawing from the comic books as much as they did despite the existence of the equally awesome cartoon). One highlight for me that points to the kind of game you're wishing it was, though, was the "fight" against the Red Scare, where you hit him

Yeah, I keed because I love. They've always seemed amazingly down-to-Earth and low-key for one of the last huge rock bands.


Wait, is he being a hipster about his own band? "I'm really into this band Radiohead right now. Not a lot of people are into them."

Why are people surprised Keanu is in the UK? Didn't you hear him using his natural accent in Bram Stoker's Dracula?

Giant-Sized Man-Servant was always one of my favorite series.

But will Doctor Strange make him eat spiderwebs?

I'm a lover, not a fighter. Not let's all hop on my sled Rosebud and go watch a Coca-Cola ad!

But he gets all the chicks!

I'm talking about the image displayed on the article header which shows up on the main page of the site. I obviously don't mind a discussion of spoilers within articles about the show and have quickly scrolled through everything on this page, but I'm just asking for the site to be a bit more careful about the pics

I'm going to be that guy and say I reaaaally wish the A.V. Club would try not to choose images that are in and of themselves spoilers

Catching up with some of the latest issues streaming on Marvel Unlimited (Secret Wars #8, Extraordinary X-Men #4, Amazing Spider-Man #5). Out of the three current X-Men titles I've read, I think I'm liking Extraordinary the best so far, though it might be just the lineup (I'm not crazy about the young X-Men

What was the name of this event? I'm wondering if it's on Marvel Unlimited.

I fully endorse this statement.

He wanted to spend more time yelling at his family.

Make their leader Hugo Weaving's the Red Skull and I'm there yesterday.

Yeah, okay, Comrade.