
I'm pretty sure the crazy old lady said "sun tea", which is even funnier to me because it calls to mind the 30 Rock episode where Frank keeps jars of his own urine.

"You gave her a land mine?! Really?"
That + Jean-Ralphio's inability to rhyme killed it for me tonight.

Although the Korean bar owner in Sunny was deliberately meant to look like Kim Jong-Il as well.

Considering it's been mentioned repeatedly that Margaret Cho guested as Kim Jong-Il, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's just you.

I was a big fan of the State when it came out. Didn't see much Mr. Show until a few years after it was off the air, but I still watch each of them (KitH as well if we're throwing that into the discussion) on a semi-regular basis.

yeah, so this guy has six comments that are all spam for that website. wonder if the moderators feel like doin' somethin' about that.

"he knows that women hate it when their men are the better dancers."
Huh? Really? I don't think I've ever met a woman, ever, not once, who PREFERRED that the man she was dancing with suck at it.

"Why can't we all rise up and loathe Larry the Cable Guy and Tyler Perry equally for their inanity?"

"Apparently this one was supposed to run much earlier, and actually introduce Jimmy Pesto and his kids."

I'll bite. You're selling Bob's Burgers short, especially now that it's hit its stride.

though "anal" is surprisingly appropriate
it's probably "amyl nitrate".

"So why do you call yourself Marshmallow?"
"Because, honey, if I see a piece of sweet potato pie, I am on TOP of it!"
"YES! I knew it!"

The scene where Bob and Linda are talking and Louise continues slapping Tina and Gene in the background killed me.

"Grating" is exactly right. It's such an obvious euphemism and an aurally unappealing one at that. It's distracting.

Mr. Belvedere sat on his own balls, or on the son's balls?

Bob's Burgers
Glad you finally liked a Bob's Burgers enough to give it a good review. I've been a fan from the start, but I can understand if it's not for everybody. But the tone of the show is right on my wavelength, and I find pretty much anything Gene or Louise does hilarious.

"Hey, no spying allowed. I posted the stuff I wrote here over at his site because his commenters - particularly the ones who write in his sitcom threads - tend to be idiots, and I enjoy antagonizing them."

"The slight hint of emotion in his voice that could have descended into him getting choked up, but didn't is what made that my favorite moment of the episode. Pratt is awesome."

Your last name's Garrelli?

My favorite moment is in the picture up top
The hesitation, then nod Pete gives himself after taking the twenty from Liz's wallet. You can practically hear his inner monologue saying, "Is this the kind of man I've become? Yes, yes, it is."