
My mistake. Obviously it's "Punn".


I love Breaking Bad, but the pilot of Weeds really bored me. That's probably not a good sign for my chances of liking it.

Is it just me
Or couldn't they have just brought Maria back without smuggling her since she's, you know, the legal wife of an American citizen?

Boy, they put that review up immediately. I'm going to start complaining more often.

Is this the appropriate place to complain
About the lack of an Eastbound review?

I actually think this was an improvement over the last couple of weeks. Claire at least seems to be breaking down why she likes scenes now.

"I sat in measured horror/amusement and watched as Mad Men turned into a soap-opera right before my eyes"

shit, we have an Alamo Drafthouse in Houston; I ought to find out if they do the same.

Remember, when Steph left the hospital, Hank had to explain to Britt who she was, but when he asked Katie to watch her, he said, "You remember the rules?" That right there suggests that Hank and Katie have some kind of history independent of Britt.

Cooper's retirement really blew my theory, which is that Sterling would off himself, Draper would run away under NSA scrutiny, and Pete and Ken's accounts would give them enough influence to get their names on the door at Cooper Campbell Cosgrove Pryce.


I like that a letter was a direct reflection of what Peggy said to Don— "You're the one who says, 'If you don't like what's being said about you, change the conversation.'"

I always got a kick out of when they renamed Candlestick "Monster Park", because everyone thought it was for monster.com or Monster Energy drinks, and it was for some other company entirely.

"It's 4:42 in the A.M.,
"and you're watching 'Perspectives'. I'm your host, Lionel Osborne…"

I saw a quote on a promo that just said "companion to 'The Office'". Not "perfect companion", not "quality companion", just the literal truth.

minor nitpick
Kurt and Burt's dinner is on Friday night every week? Friday night is (unless things are different in Ohio than the rest of the universe, which is totally possible on Glee) high school football night. He would have had to miss one already to play in the game last season— let alone that Finn couldn't

R.E.M.'s catalog is huge. They could find something worth covering. "Losing My Religion" in an episode about religion ain't it.

This was the first episode I watched
I thought it was decent if not great. Better than a C-, though. The relationships between the characters still seem a little forced— still not sure why Emmy would ever spend time with Steve (or why someone so impossibly loaded would care about one childhood crush or whatever she

Would a name change help this show?
I came up with "Awesome Beach Detective Squad, with Donal Logue and that guy from True Blood," but I'm open to suggestions.