
wiki says Shea Stadium was 8/15/65.

"why would she lie to Roger about it?"

I'm glad I'm not the only one
Who's wondered how Martinizing works.

Benjamin is no one's friend. If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be Pralines and Dick.



And then
"Alison Brie said something adorable, and the Internet spent the rest of the day imagining her in a tiny elf costume."

Setting up Tom Cruise to take the fall for his so-elaborately-concocted-the-plot-barely-makes-sense spy scheme?

It's so hard to say goodbye…
…to everyone that's ever died…

Paul's staring directly into the camera while he delivers his lines is brilliant.

I think it's technically called "Connor Clapton Committed Suicide Because His Dad Sucks".

"A-number-one jerkoff I think he called me. But you know, I have pictures of Dr. Palmer at the dog track, gambling. So if you want to hang out with gamblers, and… masturbators…"

David's reporting being written at the level of a really bad high school paper cracks me up. "And then the doctor went on to explain, or 'say', the third thing, or 'point'."

I love this show's commitment to puns.

"We're brothers. And we kind of like each other."

If he's straight, then I'm sober.

Agree that Mrs. Featherbottom trying to float down from the stairs and crashing through the table is one of the funniest moments of physical comedy ever.

Michael was always an asshole. Even when he did things for the family, he was really sanctimonious about it and liked to lord it over them and give them moralizing lectures. He was just as manipulative as any of them, and the fact that he extended the same manipulative treatment to his own teenage son might make him

so i finally saw this episode tonight
"Did anyone else read Noonan's loving description of Jesus' physical suffering as a possible comment on torture-porn epic The Passion of the Christ?"

You know
It's going to end when he gets kicked off set for ejaculating into Jenna Fischer's hair.