The Wry Smile of Basil Rathbon

In that last photo I'm not sure if Ian McShane has an alligator peeping out of his crotchal region, or he's just pleased to see me…

Or Cat Blanchett?

"Predictably, Parliament’s first reaction was to pass the buck. Or the pound, as it were."

No, you're not the only one. I grew to really like her character (after a bumpy start). I'd rather she'd stayed and been paired off with House than the eventual [also spoilers I guess] Cuddy pairing.

I haven't rewatched it for a few years, but I saw A Perfect World in the cinema when it was first released (and a couple of times since) and was really impressed, both by Costner and the film as a whole. I saw it "blind" without any preconceptions or expectations, which is often the best way, I guess.

Two legs, one penis

Topical link - objectionable paper ;)

That's life, old potato

Yeah, steamed pudding, UK-style (looks a bit like Christmas pudding, but much nicer)

I don't have a very sweet tooth, but I used to love the Mixed Fruit Pudding in the RAF ration packs - eat it cold straight out of the tin. I guess that now the internet exists I should have a search and see if I can find out who made it, it's probably identical to something available in a supermarket somewhere…

I hate it when I get my Schwartz twisted!

"an asura is a wrathful demigod whose desires can never be slated"

And Lynne Ramsay for the seriously underrated Morvern Callar, too (with a superb Samantha Morton)

Surely if it's a singular movie-going experience it should be called "Dangerous Man"?

Oh yeah, I love that Lumet book - full of wonderful detail. I'm no filmmaker, but I can see how it would be useful, and I'm sure anyone who loves film would enjoy the stories too.

If we're talking about first-person movies I have to mention "Lady in the Lake", a quirky but engaging Chandler noir with Robert Montgomery starring as the almost completely unseen protagonist. It's a gimmick, maybe, but once you get caught up in the story you don't even notice…

Arrgghhh! It's not a "fixed focus" lens, it's a "fixed focal length" lens!

"Monacans"? Monégasques, surely.

My uncle Tony was friends with Simon Pegg's dad.

It'll be spocktacular