The Wry Smile of Basil Rathbon

Yes, I was glad to see that the AV Club at least mentioned "All Creatures…" in the headline, The Guardian didn't even bother with that, just went with Harry Potter.

Diplo's just his first name. He's actually the son of William H Macy.

And more importantly, why does Ron Perlman have a thought bubble reading "Haute Potato" coming out of his head in the photo above?

Neither had I, but I just looked him up on Wikipedia and:

Phew, I'm not the only one then! My first thought was "when did Bill start dying his hair?"

Oh wow, this has really hit hard. One of my all-time heroes, both as writer and actor. RIP Mr Shepard.

Thuhh Ragn-Uhh-rok

Well, they do say variety is the spice of life. Poor old Spice though, he thought he was a star, anise proved himself wrong. He never looked like he knew what he was Dune.

He's just a poor boy, he needs no sympathy (easy come, easy go).

Well, I'm not surprised he left, he looked so ground down, Trump really put him through the mill. It's too much even for a seasoned professional.

It's also the (supposed) home of Hollyoaks. Perhaps they could do a crossover episode?

Dear Alex McLevy (if that is your real name), Cheshire is a county, not a city. Yours sincerely, A Person on the Internet

"an interview… that has “life-changing consequences” for both men. In real life, Villechaize killed himself shortly after the interview."

Yes, I'd like to belatedly add a hearty "amen" to that. Corey flippin' Stoll (as we call him in England) is not just "an actor" he's Corey flippin' Stoll. Shame on you, AV Club, for implying your readers would be unfamiliar with his name.

It's certainly sending out a goebbled message.

Random shout-out to Roy Budd's brilliant score for the original "Get Carter" (especially that main theme).

"One if by land, two if by Cloris Leachman"

It's a moo-t point.

Sam "Deep" Pan-opoulos