
I think that would be more interesting than Jabbar liking ballet as a hint about his developing orientation. It's a tired stereotype. I'd like to see a more complex young gay character, and if any show can do it gracefully I think it could be Parenthood.

So, I kinda thought they were building up to a Max is gay story line. Am I crazy?

My best friend and pop culture soul mate confessed her addiction to TVD last year and I reluctantly watched the first episode on Netflix. Followed by the entire rest of the series. Super fun binge watching.

No way, *spoiler* Jess' dad is the hot dog king, remember when Jess follows him to LA and he owns a hot dog stand? The whole pickles thing? Anyway, I think it was just a continuity error. Unless Liz spends a lot of time at hot dog stands and has dated multiple hot dog kings. Which, actually, wouldn't really shock me.

I really enjoyed the whole Gilmore Girls series but season six is pretty terrible. It was a surprise to me that the final season was so enjoyable, especially with the show runner Amy Palladino leaving. The final season started off slow but by the end the rhythm, warm emotional core, and the relationship dynamics had

I actually really liked the way Sasha handled Ginny and Mel's absurdity about Cozette. I find it refreshing that instead of just not inviting her she confronted the issue head on and prevented petty drama and hurt feelings.