
It's Salute Your Shorts! Get it right or pay the price!

It's super easy; I just downvoted you, and I feel fine.

So SNL has institutionalized racism, except when they have a minority who's the funniest person on the show, at which point they let the minority use the show as their own personal variety hour?

"Only 2.9% of the cast throughout the show's history has been female and black. That's…kind of a big problem."

Seeing people like you should mean seeing people with your personality or sense of humor, not your genitals or skin tone. Siding with the person with your skin tone based solely on that fact is racism.

Hi, I'm [name redacted].  This song was my jam back when I was 14 because these guys clearly got me.

Stop being reasonable and start castigating attorneys! They're all rich assholes.

A) Calling Five Iron "sorta-christian" is like saying the Pope is "sorta-Catholic."  Even if a couple members are no longer Christian, the music totally is.
2) FIF forever!

I think Gaiman's argument (one others have espoused as well) about Susan being banned from Narnia is horse shit.   The problem isn't that she became interested in makeup and boys, it's that after she got into those things, she decided Narnia wasn't real and that they had only been pretending.  It wouldn't matter if

You have that backwards.  The Raiders had been villains since before the members of NWA were born.

He can call you Maybe
And, Maybe, when you call him
You can call him Al!

That was not sexual assault or semi-rape.  She raped him.  He didn't want to perform a sex act. She used physical violence to coerce him to do so (combined with some bullying).  This is by definition RAPE.  And yet because a man was the victim, it's called funny and a great episode.  That's fucked up.  I'm sure some

That was not sexual assault or semi-rape.  She raped him.  He didn't want to perform a sex act. She used physical violence to coerce him to do so (combined with some bullying).  This is by definition RAPE.  And yet because a man was the victim, it's called funny and a great episode.  That's fucked up.  I'm sure some

I must strongly disagree with you on Red State.  I've been a big Smith fan for many years, and I was excited for the movie, but I was thoroughly underwhelmed.  He kept talking up all the twists and turns in the movie, but I never felt the least bit of surprise.  It all felt incredibly straight-forward.  By the end, I

So who is this book for?  It doesn't sound like something that would appeal to non-fans, and seems to rehash a bunch of stuff fans have already heard over and over in previous books, DVDs, and podcasts. 

You totally Britta'd that one.

I try to  isolate and marginalize womens’ voices within pop-culture narratives, but sometimes it's hard to know if anyone notices.  I'm glad to know someone recognized my efforts.

The part about tolerance was the point.  The part about restaurants is a joke. What I really want to say is that if you want tolerance of your views, tolerate others.  Calling someone a hate-monger or a bigot for disagreeing with you is as intolerant as can be.

If there's one thing I won't tolerate, it's anyone who thinks at all differently than me.  I only eat at restaurants that perfectly align with my views on religion, politics, the DH, and whether Community is better than Parks and Rec.

Oh, libraries: the original media pirates.  A place that buys something once and lets as many people as possible experience it for free.  I just pirated the book version of Game of Thrones from one.  Now, I'm pirating all the new books that I'm not willing to pay for from this library and others.  I can even pirate e-