


I was going to say the one on the left looks like Fred Armisen and Jemaine Clement had a (very angry) child.

Thank you, Smurfirrific. I will also always remember Azaria as Agadore Spartacus.
"Joo' afraid of my Gwatamalen-ness…my natural heat."

I didn't really see any implication that Shirley goes commando…just that she's a proud woman, a middle-aged lady with kids, and getting pantsed in front of all your friends is fucking embarrassing.

Judy Grimes
I can't be the only one who wants to punch the television whenever she shows up.

I also appreciated the door-closing-on-Jeff Godfather reference.

Regarding Weezer, I could take or leave Green, Make Believe, Red, and Raditude, and of course agree that Blue and Pinkerton are the shit and way better than anything they could ever hope to put out…but I will staunchly defend Maladroit until the day I die. Yeah, it's not quite A-level material, but as far as the