
American Movie staged? No. Now, Anvil: the Story of Anvil on the other hand…

Great book. LOFTY book. 

I sold your dog to a Chinese restaurant.

You're telling me!

What- you think when Jesus was hangin' there he thought it was natural?

Kuntztown! No, really.

No "Joan". I think there's one called "Japs" though.

The Orifice

if Mr. O'Connell were to follow Joe Francis to the back of his bus and expose his breasts, this impending lawsuit will just "disappear".

Don't know about XBox, but definitely for PS3. Now, if anyone can help me figure out the damn "virtual" memory card bizness I can go ahead and start playing the damn thing!

Definitely. They always struck me as being finished at the last minute by some chain-smoking animator strung out on heroin. BUT- the one where Jerry was a secret agent driving that super-cool, cheater slicked hot rod hellbent on penetrating Tom's cheese vault had some really cool early 60s Spy/Surf music. I could

It's a toilet seat. Open it up, take shits through the middle of it.

Who will save it!?!?!
You guessed it: Frank Stallone.

Even more depressing
than the Anne Frank diaries.

"Burning up the Internet!"
Sorry, Goatse- you've been outshined.

the Planet of the Apes remakes: I want to get off!

Right now I'm sure he's….
…explaining to Satan how he invented sinning.

The last Rambo installment. Not so much revenge, as it is comeuppance. Glorious, CGI comeuppance.

I'll only drink bourbon…
if the word "Kentucky" is in the brand name.

It's even smaller than Sacramendy!