Agador Spartacus

*pushes up his glasses*

I think I just want actors to surprise me once in a while. It would have been great to see Faraday finally communicate something loudly and concisely. Instead, he wields that gun with wild abandon at Bat Manuel and gets his ass shot.

Yar, Jeremy Davies drives me nuts!
His acting is totally one-dimensional and consistent with every character he attempts to portray. Secretary, Saving Private Ryan, Twister, Nell, all movies where Davies plays an awkward, jittery, poor communicator. And now Lost where he's the awkward, jittery, poor communicating

I know. Zay so cray-zee.

I like this girl
This is the direction I wish Tori Amos had taken instead of her asinine spiritualistic crap.

I'm assuming it will be about the ensuing war over the island.

I would save yourself some time and only view the Allison Iraheta and Adam Lambert videos and then phone in your vote for Adam because he deserves it more.