
Err…Weren't the robots in the original TV show created by a race of reptiles? I'm pretty sure humanity didn't build the first Cylons in the 70s show.

This is on my list of things not to say to anyone.

New York
Eat a dirty water dog.

Was it my imagination
or did the actor playing the half-brother have a voice and delivery (and a little bit of the bug-eyed look) of Steve Buscemi? Half-brother?

Damn, I've tried that Honey Pepper stuff before.
In Belarus visiting relatives, grandpa brought a bottle over for dinner. Had two shots to be polite, but quickly switched over to the clear stuff. It had a cloyingly sweet flavor when I tried it, with almost no pepper.

Bridge of Birds
by Barry Hughart

Police Relationship
I like the idea of Michael having a (sorta) friend at the department, but I think the relationship should be more of a Rockford/Sgt. Becker type than a Batman/Gordon type.

Pork Chop Room
It's funny you should mention that because I just remodeled the pork chop room in my house.

Watch while drunk or high.
I have to say, watching this with a margarita in my hand (and three in my stomach) with a bunch of friends was a kick-ass experience. Of course, this is the only circumstance under which this pile of crap could have been entertaining*.

Nathan's Voice
I've listened to several A.V. Talk episodes in my car (via podcast), and I think they're all great (so far). My only complaint: Mr. Rabin's voice. Well, not his voice really; the voice itself is fine. It's just that he has this habit of talking really, really quiet THEN REALLY REALLY LOUD that drives

The only problem I had with Cars is that it seemed a little rote. Even had you not seen Doc Hollywood, you could tell what was going to happen well before it did. Plus, the film tried to pull on your heartstrings in what came off as a cynical way. It just seemed mechanical and obvious and not up to Pixar's

Same as Cars?
So, you rate this movie the same as Cars (which you also gave a B+)? That does not bode well.

"…crystallized wishes from a time and a place that those doing the celebrating rarely had a chance to enjoy."

Jogger Motel
Anyone remember this old fake commercial by Saturday Night Live sometime in the late 70's/early 80's? Starts out with a jogger happily running through a beautiful Central Park, when she runs under a bridge and gets stuck in some goop. As she looks around, she sees other joggers in various states of

Iron Giant big time, and several of the others listed above. One that gets me every time that I haven't seen listed is the last scene of Roman Holiday. Bittersweet.

Very nice!

How 'bout this?
Not bad:

Whenever I see Fi walk on screen, all I can think is "sharp and pointy".

Wish I coulda seen him with the Bowl of Fire
I love his new stuff, but I wish I had seen him during his tour for The Swimming Hour, just to get down to 'How Indiscreet'.

It'll never grow back the same. Hope you like cowlicks.