

For a rebuttal to this article, see James Blake's self-titled debut. It was critically acclaimed, and helped shape the face of a supernova of a genre—dubstep; even going onto to help coin the genre "post-dubstep."

I'd hardly call this a "rock 'n' roll novel. It simply uses the industry of rock music as its background. Fairly certain that you misjudged this one…

Is it weird to anyone else that everyone besides Sean and Steven forgot James Blake released an album this year? The A.V. Club gave it an "A" too…

While the show is a semi-hallow casing of what is used to be, I still think Joshua is being a little hard on it… Who knows, maybe I'm being too lenient on it.

Well, I was looking forward to this… and then I read those lines and literally laughed out loud. Now it looks as if I'll have a lot more free time this winter.

The next episode is only #13 out of 14 total. There's still two episodes left…

Wow. "The Office" was terrible tonight. The show hasn't only gone past it's prime, it's retroactively ruining it.