
Apparently dumb people can do it too.

Neither did genitals.

What about my incongruous match of musical artist and comic strip?

That is what I am saying.

I'm Cookie Monster and every reposted comments account. I'm also  1400 other non-gimmick accounts (including all your favourites).

I thought my life was sad.

Yeah, it's harder to not be around money than drugs or alcohol.

calm equanimity eh?

Leslie Knope, Tom Haverford
Datin' in the day, datin' in the night
Datin' all day 'cause he's keepin' it tight
Datin' in the car, datin' on the floor
Datin' everywhere because she wants some more
(inimitable scatting)

"The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award" is a stone-cold classic.

@avclub-befd824498cf169c82762eb88773c3c7:disqus I don't know if I agree with you, Danielle. I can't imagine that Dennis actually being a rapist/murderer would throw people off of this show at this point. I know I wouldn't stop watching if Dennis actually raped/murdered on screen. I mean, the hints have been pretty

Dennis the laundromat manager.

I have to take issue with the claim that the gang's acceptance of Country Mac's homosexuality is out of character. One thing I've often noted throughout the series is how politically correct and open minded about these things they (minus Mac) tend to be. None of them (minus Mac) is a homophobe or a racist or anything

@avclub-0f29370d9da664c1e143182f37301063:disqus Except for us philosophy students. Not only do we have no illusions about career potential, but half of what we learn tells us directly about the futility of life. Grad school here I come! Also, I'm 25 and should not still be an undergrad.

I had the same experience in grade one. I read the entire 1st grade required reading in a month, then my teacher had me rework Stambaugh's translation of Being and Time. The next day, in the morning I finished writing Divisions II and III and in the afternoon I took a time machine back to 1927 and showed it to

Marilyn Quayle: "I wouldn't fuck her with a stolen dick!" — George Carlin

To butt or not to butt, 
that is the asstion.

That's because he's only 6 inches tall.

My dad was a navigator in the air force for 15 years and he needs the TV turned up quite loud. Being in a noisy airplane a lot of the time is bad too.

Maybe you should get divorced.