
Nothing stops a Nazi shootout dead in its tracks like the pleading of a man in handcuffs inside of a car hiding from the bullets.

That is a dumb prediction. I think maybe it starts up a lot like Grilled did. Maybe.

My parents watched and loved Just Go With It a few weeks ago. But they still watch Breaking Bad. Your dad's just a goober.

@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus Which is why it would be the logical next step, I think. Walt rose from his servitude to Gus (which was, I think, all in his own head until the point he'd agitated Gus and exposed his business enough to really want him dead) to become the next Emperor of Meth. It's only

I think at that point they were in a life or death battle with the cops, because not going to jail again beats not making millions more dollars than the millions you're already making.


@Onanymous:disqus That's a good point. Did you mean "compounding" or were you cheekily suggesting that shooting people isn't fun?

So did Walt.

Lower Winter Sun is a thing. It's a television show.

Just Google "estimates of ammunition per kill". Even if the estimates are off by 20,000, that's still 5,000 rounds used per kill in the Civil War and 45,000 per kill in the Vietnam War. Even if the estimates were off by 24,000 and 49,000, respectively, that's still 1,000 bullets per kill by soldiers. I don't think

That doesn't mean he's just going to let the guy who's made him so miserable kill him. Jesse lacked focus before. Now all that misery has turned to very well motivated rage. He's not going to let the object of his hatred (which hatred seems to be his only reason for living at this point, just as with Hank) just kill

@avclub-b90391459007fbc002dee3084fef650b:disqus Yeah, but then that would make Walt's call to Todd afterward more ambiguous. If we think that Walt did intend to have Jesse killed there, then certainly it would be a little confusing when he called Todd to have his uncle's crew kill Jesse (presumably). You could, I

I'm merely reporting.

@avclub-ffc2c137ac50f2b5c98536d558642273:disqus I am Canadian and live in Canada. But it still applies.

An observation: the second episode of this run "Buried" ends with Hank about to enter an interrogation room to confront Jesse to flip on Walt, and tonight's episode begins (chronologically, insofar as Hank walks in on Jesse almost directly after the last shot of the last episode, "Confessions") with Hank about to

Hey I'm Canadian too. That sort of thing is meaningful to simpletons, isn't it?


Has anyone heard the '#' symbol referred to as a 'hashtag' in non-social media contexts?  I have.

That was Jesse's phone. Hence Walt leaving a voicemail for Jesse on it.

They're pretty funny. There's one about Hank confessing to Walt about a handjob he got on the eve of his marriage to Marie.