
Hopefully with some actual evidence this time. Which was the problem with Jesse's confession.

It's strange how doing heroin somehow makes your life expendable in the eyes of some.

You can just masturbate, eh?

I think you're right. Jesse was certain Walt was going to have him killed then. He would've taken anything that appeared even remotely threatening as a sign of his impending doom. The big scary guy made it clear to the audience that Jesse was scared off by something he saw rather than simple paranoia.

He has longer hair than we're seeing now.

One possibility is that Jesse exposes Walt to the world. More than anything, Walt tries to protect his secrets.

Sing it like it's written.

I’m in like and that’s a start
but I need a little lady who plays it smart
She might be a two on your typical scale
But baby she’s a ten if she does her part

It's true. Now that I have the internet, I know every movie there is and I cannot watch them because afterwards I cannot say, "I had never heard of that before."

I made a new friend last week too. He was drinking Coca-Cola so I knew we'd hit it off, especially when he caught that Encino Man reference.

Why is it more plausible that a play would survive through history than a television show? Your only possible evidence is that, as a matter of fact, this is what happened. But then again, since this show just aired 36 minutes ago, it seems kind of fucking stupid to say whether it will be watched in 400 years.

Or possibly both heroin and meth, of course.

I don't think she was a meth addict. For one, she was at a methadone clinic. And secondly, later in the season, when she's asking for drugs, Tobias tells her to get back on the horse, and she says "even better". She's a heroin addict.

Open concept is dope, yo.

Does Maron have a great show in him? We all know the answer is no. The only thing this guy can do is talk about himself, and that's poops.

These censors are dicks. Can't even call an N-word the J-word without getting your comment D'd.

Go fuck yourself.

WHY DO I READ THIS WEBSITE? And then I go to another website, and it's even worse and there's no affiliation with the Onion and its bad.

That's what the 9th sequel will be called.

Enjoy the Hannukah cookie, man.