
I have a philosophy background too.

I had a balding old woman teacher in grade 5 who used to play guitar and sing old slave songs and patriot songs. She was white and I'm Canadian. So it was weird for me.

I think Ron James is a good standup but his tv show is godawful.

This Hour Has 22 Minutes simultaneously raises up and farts in the face of Halifax, the annoying little brother of Canada. Oddly enough, when he was on the show Colin Mochrie came to my little junior high drama class and did an improv class for us. Take that, Moncton.

I never got all this thinning the herd, work hard shit. To what end?

Usually I would murder my family after seeing a trailer like that. But this time, I'm just gonna do some light nipple work. I'm changed.

Funt-holed bunp

I like how people can say things about one tv show being the spiritual descendent of another tv show without recognizing how worthless their lives are.

Yeah but Larry makes you feel better about your life. He's got everything and it's still hard for him. These Duck people have never even read Quine. They're sub-human.

I really don't like people.

Yo mama so fat she's that greater than which nothing can be thought.

It reminds me of that time Michaelangelo lost his job and was a cunt to people in his garage for 4 years.

Philosophers might be the only group of people worse than comedians.

There is literally no reason you must suffer through a chat show about a terrible show made by terrible people. No laws. No love worth keeping. Nothing.

To be fair, he's a human being. So his life is an unending tragedy of boredom, dissatisfaction and praying for death to come, but not quite yet. Not before you've masturbated once more. Not until you've paid one more phone bill. Not until your wife leaves you and takes the kids and they forget your not.

I'm going to assume that nobody ever gets moderator approval. Except maybe in quotations, like when Shane says something to Antwon Mitchell about his "nigger faggot son."

Man I love this show. First time around it was all about Dutch and Claudette. Second time around it was Shane. But of course Vic is amazing. Nigga is smart as all hell.

Gold chains is just another way of the white man enslaving the black man.

You forgot that occasionally one of us (me) will tell everyone that he hates them for all of those reasons and attack a few people before getting bored.

Man Poorly Pretending to be Pers Hapley.