
Your life sounds awful.

Your loss, mama.

Plus he's smart and funny.

He's a real asshole.

Can be a

Because 2 main characters were taken out of an ensemble which works best operating as a whole. And Ann Perkins is all she needs to be. Sweet, funny, loveable.

That won't happen. They're too perfect for each other and Parks and Rec isn't in the business of breaking hearts.

You, that is the man I'm speaking to now, do the worst Perd Hapley.

Bat Guano.

The last thing anyone should care about is tarnishing the austere legend of a fucking talk show. The people alive and involved are what matter. And I include in the group the thousands and thousands of people who could've been fed off Conan O'Brien's ridiculous severance pay.

The talk show is so fucking stale as a format. There are farts fermenting in my hamper that are fresher than it.

Wow. I fucking hate Trebek, but I would hate the non-quiz parts of Jep-perrrdy even more if either Anderson Cooper or Lauer did it. Ken Jennings would work for sure.


I've yet to read When She Was Good, but few titles are as alluring as that one.

I'm sure glad that's over with. Here I was thinking he was one of the most intelligent and I retesting novelists of his time, but I now feel as if I have read his entire works without missing any of the pathos or humour or artistry. Thank you oh so much.

@MoBetterBooze. If I recall correctly, the narrator in Indignation was in a morphine haze and dying, but not actually dead. That's a minor point actually. I liked Indignation a lot. Very funny (and boner-inducing, like a lot of his stuff).

I really liked Safety Not Guaranteed.

This trailer was confusing. That song sounded like a dubstep version of Deerhoof. Those girls were  sexy and I wanted to sex them up. The plot: don't care. A car accident: maybe? cool. Let's hope there's titties!

Dog Day Afternoon, Dr. Strangelove, Fargo. Maybe my three favourite movies of all time. YOU'RE FUCKING WELCOME.

Your life is a poem sung by the wind;
not without beauty without nor beauty within.