
Jesus Christ. Do you really think Harry Shearer will still be around in that long? Granted, he's in good shape for a guy who is as old as how old he is. But still.

Whoa. I just decided with utter certainty to change my name to Gidget McMonday.

I nominate "what up son, whatever" as best lyric of all time.

And the chicken tastes like wood.

This is my crew.

Somehow I have ended up meeting/shaking hands with both Colin Mochrie and Greg Proops, in Nova Scotia no less. About 11 years apart.

"America" by Ginsberg, fool.

I'm confused. That was an assessment I was making of myself.

I'm an unrepentant meat eater who thinks it's totally wrong to eat meat but is too lazy to change and then again isn't really that bothered by it. What I'm saying is that I'm a bad person with no principles.

Oh OK.


Please use the anglicanized "poser" rather than the faggotry of French.

Do people really take fucking classes like "Post-Punk in Britain"? There are actual things to be learned.

There isn't a single sympathetic character on Seinfeld?

I agree. This left off most of my favourite episodes.

You mean you'd really want to fuck him over something. I suggest an ottoman.

Looking back, News Radio wasn't that great. Didn't like Roseanne. Frasier is okay I guess.

I want some Greek salad. Which is to say, I want a bowl of feta cheese and black olives. Yum :)

Cabbage is spicy like a radish, and you can eat it for a snack. Lettuce ain't come with no sauce on it already in it! Lettuce ain't no flippin snack!

Are these just Nick Drake songs? Because if so, that's funny right there I tell you what. H'yuck, with emphases on the "'".