
No that came later. Men's assholes are really not good.

I can honestly say that a good 7 years of sexual confusion came from listening to and loving Tigermilk on the bus one day. The band is just that gay.

"Slampig" really seems like it would require too much explanation to really be effective. I'd go with "worm-cunted cunt worm".

Pussy is sweet in principle, sour/weird as a matter of fact. I get it.

Jesus Christ. But then again, it makes sense. Compound the irrational worrying of one million individual mothers, and you're bound to get worrying about people fucking pigs because of an insurance commercial.

I nominate "Sandwiches" by Detroit Grand Pubahs.

Abbot Costello was a funny guy!

That's my family motto: "Making love, I guess I need to spell out to you proles, is with the butt." We are a terrible family.

Steve Martin is awesome.

I think you might be the biggest cunt in the world.  says that "(a)s a piece of filmmaking art i (sic) just did not find it compelling."

@avclub-bf3eb25e65e1f87dab76829f15a0907a:disqus You should know that when you use the derisive "Dems" as the subject of a sentence, you run the risk of sounding like a moron. "Thems get way too much in-bed-w-hollywood shit already."

I think I'd be happy if one of either the entire white race (an admittedly dubious category) or the entire black race would not live anymore, so that people would stop boring me with hypotheticals about whether x-raced person would've done z if they were y-raced.

I can see it now:

I'm with you. I think I would like to see Hollywood go entirely blackface. Even that black guy would have to be in black face. But then again I'm capricious and unfeeling.

So I can call you a cunt if I don't mean it or if I don't think it's funny? Well that takes away all the fun of calling someone a cunt.

Thank you for writing none of that. I read some of it and now I hate myself.

Calling a perfectly innocent 9 year old a cunt like you're finally ripping the veil off is funny.

This is one reason why Canada shits all over Mount Rushmore: we don't have "First Ladies". We just have someone unfortunate enough to be married to Stephen Harper.

The incinerator scene in Toy Story 3 was when I realized that kids movies just aren't for me. I sincerely thought they would all die horribly, and then they didn't and I barfed while Andy played with some little douchebag.

In my experience as a janitor  running out of work means absolutely nothing. I used to leave work at 10am sometimes. Not a word back. It helps to have an unpleasant personality such that nobody wants to talk to you, though.