
Who the fuck cares if a joke from a live broadcast made specifically for the previous year is dated?

It was also a really good movie.

This show would be good without Boyd. But Boyd is awesome and he sounds like bird to a New Yorker.

Couldn't care less. It was a good movie and they mentioned Halifax.

Paris is really cool. I was there when the South Park movie had just come out, and I wanted to see it. But I had to wait until a few months later. In the theatre, mind you. 11 year old me was changed. 24 year old me doesn't like South Park. 24 year old me still swears way too much.

Agreed. Shane was such a tragic character though. It's nice to settle down with Boyd Crowder, who might be the sexiest smartest character on tv.

That would have made my day. I wasn't no punk.

I found out recently he's from where I'm (mostly from).

Your life is a joke.

I stopped reading this at "Brie and butter baguette sandwiches". I have found my soulmate.

Wait. You're saying an episode of Community felt contrived?

Here's how I describe this show to the people I talk to (i.e. nobody): This show is like some stupid dum-dum who can't stop sucking dicks and you're like, come on, nobody needs to suck this many dicks. And then once in a while, it gets around to sucking your dick, and you're like, now it's all coming together.

He got almost none of the likes.

I forgot to tell you, the Snidely Q. Dooshbaghe's a racist.

Yeah he really does have a nice meaty cock.

This fucking moron who's been in a couple of my classes and got zeros in two fucking second year philosophy undergrad courses, and he started trying to talk to me in the middle of a lecture about wrestling. He was always late. One time he showed up to a 50 minute class 45 minutes in. So yes, all wrestling fans in all

I'm glad I live in Canada, where you can go to jail for looking at a moose wrong but you can smoke weed in government buildings. It's a worthwhile trade-off.

I was going to suggest that movie Find Me Guilty by Sidney Lumet, but then I realized it was Vin Diesel in it. And also I haven't seen it.

Yes but the question is: why is water wet? 
Huh? Seriously, that's an interesting question. And only a jerk or a Jew would say otherwise.

this is really clever