
I can't imagine Arby's being a place where anyone would go, let alone hang out. And let alone Justin Timberlake.

The only problem is you still can't masturbate in public theatres.

Baby I'm so
rry for how I actedbut if you give me another chance, Icould be the boo of your dreamsgirlllSo when you're sleepingand you'redreamingofa boo, I want that to be I want me to be that boo

People do that for all kids. Your son ain't that cute.


No. It was bad throughout. Bad and made of farts.

Boyd Crowder's the best part of the show. Endlessly fascinating, and one of the most convincingly smart characters on TV, I think.

I really don't think a tour with only one date in Canada can really be called an "extensive North American tour".

I saw Red State. It was fucking terrible. Really bad. Might be the worst ending to a film that I've seen in a long time. Really? You're just going to have John Goodman  talk about the (terrible) climax, rather than actually (terribly) showing it?

He would say the opposite. He's really busy and always has a terrible project going. He's the paragon of "not being a lazy stoner" stoner. It's really been bumming my life out.

Way to ape my awesome idea. You may have (almost certainly not) noticed that I don't generally care to stick to the topic at hand.

Is that the guy who thinks that people have a right to the internet?

I want to date a white girl. I also want to date that woman who plays that brown man's sister. Those ones are the prettiest ladies in the world, them browns. The dark skin. The cool accents. The sort of Caucasian facial features. The lack of clitorises.

"The third illcits a laugh due to the standard rule of three, the fifth a laugh for the second violation of the same (the first too common to really be funny), and the sixth for the symetry for the original rule from which the initial laughter derives."

Duck yea. I mean fuck yeah. Seriously. Typo. Not fixing it.

He's a sugarbear who needs smooches. Tom Haverford is 30 sugarbears who need 100 smooches and I'm gonna be there to smooch every bear.

Making Leslie the ultra-capable nut she is was the best choice they could've made.

Yeah but will that show have a Leslie Knope? NOPE!

It's the best show they have by leaps and bounds. This includes the snatches of 30 Rock I've seen. I don't like Tina Fey. Amy Poehler is wonderful. :) smooches

That would be the ultimate irony. Jamm just got jammed.