
@Chryso42:disqus That is one cute funny monster.

Somehow "stone faced Asian man" seems even worse than his actual name, which is China Joe.

I think Obama might be on @avclub-f7d69f580c2ec97094589817747a2ba8:disqus 's side. Have you seen how fast he's been growing up since he's been President?

I think Obama might be on @avclub-f7d69f580c2ec97094589817747a2ba8:disqus 's side. Have you seen how fast he's been growing up since he's been President?

Me reads slowly!

Me reads slowly!

Every time I see this band's name I get excited, because I think it says "Deerhoof". I saw Deerhoof back in, I think, 2008. They were awesome and I had a horrible headache afterwards I would not care to see this Deerhunter. I've never heard them, but I know the main guy in it has the name "Bradford Cox". That's all

China Joe really is a killer.

It's consistent with her adopting the personalities of her boyfriends. She's receptive and malleable, and stupid hot.

Who the fuck has a cell phone and doesn't have it with them all the time? It's 2013.

Not an art fan?

"But the trial’s going to be over soon, he’s definitely guilty.”
Comma splice make me sad man :(

Tom's a sugarbear who you wanna smooch and rubb his silly scruffy belly. Take it back. And also please remove the clitoris and glans belonging to the couple who are fucking 36 inches from my head through the wall.

I don't get why nobody else loves Ann Perkins like I does.

Eat what?

You fucking cunt. Stop it.

That show is atrocious. That being said, I thought that one Christmas special they did was funny, because I was stupid high when I saw it.

I used to live by where that was shot. It was shameful.

Oh fuck you. Am I the only one who finds all this pedophile baiting tiresome? Being attracted to a 25 year old who (sorta) looks like a teenager is not the same thing as being attracted to a teenager. Which leads to my second point: sometimes we find younger people attractive. Let's not act like someone's a pedophile

Boy am I ever gonna masturbate to that book one day.