
She sometimes lives here I sometimes live. I'm famous by tenuous extension.

I feel no need to do it. It's purely elective. And really, if you want to point out the sadnesses of my life, this is a pretty weak starting place.

A cat would sooner let himself be mauled by a bear than be cuddled by you. A dog smiles when he sees you and you smile when you see him and you smooch his funny head and tap his nose gently then pat his butt and scratch those silly ears.

True, although Shane is far too tragic a character to really wanna shoot your semen into.

Nobody likes cats. Why would you like a cat if you can like a dog? Dogs have: floppy ears, silly smiles, funny snouts, silly drooly tongues, smoochable heads, smoochable paws. smoochable bellies, scratchable bellies, rubbable tummies. With cats, you just get an asshole who shits in a box of sand. Shit outside like a

You wouldn't apply heat to a volumetric flask. A volumetric flask is for general mixing and titration.

Well, no wonder. A business so big enough to be listed on the NSDQ goes belly up without him. Ceases to exist.

Steal it. Seriously. What are you, a bitch or something? Ain't no Johnny Law gon' come up a knockin.


Shane Vendrell still tops him, just because The Shield is the best show ever made.

That would be a fatal move to the series, I think. Raylan and all that stuff is great, but Boyd Crowder is the number one reason I watch. Obviously Walton Goggins is supoib, but the character is so well drawn and likeable. Plus he's smart. Smart is awesome!

"hardly ever gets to plant a wet smooch on papa’s scratchy cheek."

Your love for this show is sad.

This show just kinda sucks most of the time. Even its best episodes are filled with useless, unfunny characters and you cringe and kill yourself always.

The "joke" is to hint at a joke with a couple of words and then lazily finish it with "something something". This is a joke people use regularly on the AV Club. These people are horrible. Their lives are tragic. Their existence is annoying.

Now I know I will never watch this show again. There's one of those FUCKING SOMETHING SOMETHING JOKES. The shit ain't funny.

"you can’t praise a dead person if there’s a chance he might get out of the casket at the funeral. "
What? Isn't the point here not whether or not you can possibly praise a "dead" person, but rather that she's not dead at all?

@avclub-81e8d9c85604c8a7b87da70420b81e6e:disqus Wow, those are some bad teeth. Is that a hippos mouth or something?

You should really reevaluate your values.

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