
So far, I'm loving this and totally addicted. While I found Charlie to be a whiny brat when she kept insisting on following Miles, at least she finally gave a reason for her too-stupid-to-live behaviour which made her more sympathetic. I'm digging the Charlie/Nate interactions and am dying to know his story. I like

So far, I'm loving this and totally addicted. While I found Charlie to be a whiny brat when she kept insisting on following Miles, at least she finally gave a reason for her too-stupid-to-live behaviour which made her more sympathetic. I'm digging the Charlie/Nate interactions and am dying to know his story. I like

I thought Anse Hatfield said that Randall McCoy thought he was "a huckleberry above a parsimmon", which makes a bit more sense than a "huckleberry bubba parsimmon". Just sayin'.

I thought Anse Hatfield said that Randall McCoy thought he was "a huckleberry above a parsimmon", which makes a bit more sense than a "huckleberry bubba parsimmon". Just sayin'.

Annie didn't sleep with Zavier.  He made that clear several times when she woke up in his apartment that nothing happened between them. They didn't have a short-lived affair - they didn't have an affair at all. Heck, they never even kissed.