Wormwood is not psychoactive. Wiki it.
Wormwood is not psychoactive. Wiki it.
I hate that shit, Kevin. "Oh, you're an engineering student? That's another way of saying that you're not an engineer, right?" - an actual practicing engineer
I hate that shit, Kevin. "Oh, you're an engineering student? That's another way of saying that you're not an engineer, right?" - an actual practicing engineer
I have friends who refuse to watch movies with me now because of the time we got drunk and watched that movie. 2.5 hours of bugeyed insanity, followed by the biggest blue balls ending I've ever seen.
I have friends who refuse to watch movies with me now because of the time we got drunk and watched that movie. 2.5 hours of bugeyed insanity, followed by the biggest blue balls ending I've ever seen.
Hi, I'm 30. Who are these people?
Hi, I'm 30. Who are these people?
The original dual lands are totally busted in comparison to that thing, because the fetch lands can grab them. This is what I hear from my nerdy friend who is a nerd and is totally not me.
The original dual lands are totally busted in comparison to that thing, because the fetch lands can grab them. This is what I hear from my nerdy friend who is a nerd and is totally not me.
That was the huge takeaway from this article. "I am an aging music critic and I'm worried that I'm no longer relevant, so here's a story about the time I lived in a warehouse in a yet-to-be-gentrified neighborhood and Jimmy Eat world played there." acts as bookends to this tripe.
That was the huge takeaway from this article. "I am an aging music critic and I'm worried that I'm no longer relevant, so here's a story about the time I lived in a warehouse in a yet-to-be-gentrified neighborhood and Jimmy Eat world played there." acts as bookends to this tripe.
Dean's Dream
Dean's Dream
Repost! The original story broke in March of last year.
Repost! The original story broke in March of last year.
Gnome Chompsky
Gnome Chompsky
Sure thing, I'll get right on that. I will definitely read a 100 year old book about theism based upon the recommendation of some dude on the internet who can't put two thoughts together to defend a thesis.
Gnome Chompsky
Gnome Chompsky
Gnome, you're sticking with god of the gaps and separate magesteria arguments, you're saying that the various myths of the world's various cultures amount to evidence that a higher power exists, and you're saying that Atheism asserts that there is no god (rather than the quite obvious fact that religion is making an…