
Anecdotal means "sample size is too small to be meaningful."  For something to be anecdotal, it would have to be testable.  "God did it" is entirely untestable.  It's quite safe to say that the claims are baseless.

What sort of challenge is needed for theism?  It makes a baseless and untestable assertion.  It's rational to entirely disregard such claims.

Don't forget his riveting guest appearance on Sons of Anarchy last season!

"What is their empirical claim that contradicts rationalism?"  You mean, besides believing in a magical sky-daddy who is responsible for everything?  Gee, I dunno.  This is a pretty strict tenet of Abrahamic religions, I'd be careful going around saying that most of them don't believe it.

So what, the solution is MORE irrationality?  You're tearing down a straw man here - his argument is not that religion is the ONLY thing that causes irrational and unjust behavior, his argument is that it's responsible for a great many injustices.

Why do you hate fun, Tasha?  This movie was a hilariously misguided spectacle.

A half dozen friends of mine went on Saturday, after consuming a handful of controlled substances.  It was great!  My favorite part was when the Token Urban Black Male (who is named "Malik" and ten minutes ago was laying near-dead after getting his arm bitten off) wades into the lake with a spear (!) to exact his

Trying your luck.

The "American" is included in American Gangster because a Black man in the 60s wasn't typically considered American. The core of the story is a Black dude asserting himself and legitimizing himself in the ways he has available - hence, American Gangster.

Bikesnob rip off.

Holy shit, are they back?

Flaubert, you seem to be saying the following:
"Our wars are just as violent and vicious as those of the past, ergo morality is arbitrary." Do you realize how fucking stupid this sounds?

San Diego native here. Southern California is not cold. Ever. I visited my girlfriend's family in Maine last Thanksgiving, and the high was 7 degrees. Fuck. That. When I got off the airplane back home, it was 63 and sunny.
NorCal on the other hand does get cold. The bay is perpetually 40 degrees. Wierd as shit.

Yeah, who cares about Biblical literalists, it's not like their religious views inform their decisions about climate change, mid-East policy, gay rights, education, women's rights, the war on drugs or education.

I'm shining like a new dime always gets me. Also, as a man who lives in San Diego and has reached the age at which wedding invitations are weekly occurances, I now never want to hear "San Diego Serenade" ever again.

It really, really sucks.

sucks when she dies at the end.
spoiler alert.

sucks when she dies at the end.
spoiler alert.

They are all overhead valve engines that use carburetors - pretty fucking far away from anything resembling any American car in production. Also, they're virtually identical under the skin. The sport's pretty old, and everyone has figured out the most competitive designs to use within the sanctioning body's rules.

If Bob Hoskins is involved, I'm for it.