Go AG ASAP. The malts for your American pale ales cost $40+ for a 5 gallon batch, mine cost $11.
Also, buy your hops in bulk from a place like hopsdirect.com.
Go AG ASAP. The malts for your American pale ales cost $40+ for a 5 gallon batch, mine cost $11.
Also, buy your hops in bulk from a place like hopsdirect.com.
The only way that the cottage in the above painting could be lit that way is if there was a fire raging unchecked inside it. All of his paintings are like that, which I find to be terribly subversive. Genius.
Clearly he's not trolling, Fuck this shit.
Go to youtube and listen to her acoustic rendition of papparazzi. Fuck you if you don't like her after that.
Instantly forgotten?
How quickly we forget that this website gave it an A-.
this newswire got a 10/10 from me.
Dude, Brewdog sucks ass. All they do is brew pointlessly strong beers to offend Scottish moral police and keep thier name in the headlines.
Hey assholes
All human babies are anthropomorphic, that's a tautology!
Heard somebody cry - Oingo Boingo
Everyone talking about how FWD cars inherently understeer has never driven a FWD car with a reasonably sized rear sway bar. They handle just as neutrally and predictably as a RWD car. Period. The end. Tire and spring rate are dramatically more important to the handling characteristics.
The only meaningful advantage…
The tanks went around the Tienenman square guy. That should cheer you right back up.
Where the fuck was District 9 in these lists?
Seriously. What the fuck?
zero effect!
Today I step into the shoes of a great man, a man by the name of Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.
I have 150 limited release old ales, tripels, scotch ales, imperial stouts, barleywines and sours in my closet that have been aging for as long as 5 years. I still routinely crack open PBR and High Life, because they are inoffensive, cheap and highly drinkable. Ya'll some haters.
Thanks for that link, Deal With It!
Robutnik, washing her face means that she (at least occasionally) prefers her sex dirty instead of sweet.
Yeah, this feature was definitely a public service. This movie looks fantastic.
I love Church's, just because here in San Diego you have to take a road trip to the shittiest neighborhoods in the city in order to find it. It's more of an experience than stopping at KFC/Popeye's on the way home from work because you don't feel like cooking.
Nathan, this is the best thing you've written.
Holy shit!
Chiwetel Ejiofor was in that abortion of a movie!