
Goshdarn double post, stupid comment button screwed me again!

Goshdarn double post, stupid comment button screwed me again!

When is are you guys going to actually try some dog biscuits? On bread with another weird beer maybe? Maybe they taste better if you microwave them and put mustard on top?

When is are you guys going to actually try some dog biscuits? On bread with another weird beer maybe? Maybe they taste better if you microwave them and put mustard on top?

I meant to say black hole!

Video Game
A couple months ago I downloaded the Prince of Thieves video game for my NES emulator. I got about halfway through it and had to give up or risk getting angry enough to punch a hole in my wall. It is seriously a frustratingly broken game.
It'd be interesting to eat the cereal while playing the game while

Product Placement
All the damn advertising was what really sunk this movie for me. I don't mind it so much when its subtle and suits the story but in this movie it was everywhere and made no damn sense. If you're trying to create a society cut off from the rest of the world, why would you give them Puma sneakers to

I like my chocolate like I like my sex: gooey and full of salty nuts.
Sorry, I had to do it.

Please make him go away!
That Larry the Cable Guy ad is really starting to freak me out. Please make him go away, or at least stop pointing at me. It's like he's saying, "I just raped your dog and you're next buddy! Git er done!"

Wow, got to this party late…
Johnny Cash's version of God's Gonna Cut You Down
Maybe its just because it was one of the last songs he recorded but it gets me every time.

It's finally here!
Howard the Duck is out on DVD on the 10th bitches! Duck nipples! Interspecies sex with Lea Thompson! I am legitimately excited about this, hence the exclamation points!

I never worked at a video store but as my movie obsession was just starting to bloom and it was a short drive from where I worked, I spent a lot of time at the local Movie Gallery.
One time this old guy was complaining because the movie he rented had cursing in it. He made the clerk hunt down one that had no cursing

Madea: The hands of Tyler Perry
The Incredibly Strange Audience that Stopped Living and Became Tyler Perry Fans
Red Zone Madea
Madea Conquers the Martians

Movie Anyone?
Has anyone seen Tales from the Darkside: The Movie? It's been out on DVD for quite awhile. It has Blondie as a cannibal witch in the wraparound segments!

I would pay good money to see Flava Flav get his guts ripped out in a horror movie. By Chuck D.

I would pay good money to see Flava Flav get his guts ripped out in a horror movie. By Chuck D.

Or that Beavis and Butthead episode where the phone sex lady is a fat trailer trash woman watching TV and eating fried chicken.

What if I killed Kenny G with his own Saxophone? I think it'd go something like this…

I wonder if the ad execs that came up with that spot were like "he's got Shake Appeal, lets use him!" and another was like "but he's the world's forgotten boy!" And then another was like "but he's a stooge, which means he'll do whatever we say right?"
I'm guessing rich business men don't listen to anything but Robert

I watched Erasherhead on DVD (Netflix again) and It just struck a nerve with me, it's hard to explain why. It seemed like the best representation of a nightmare on film I'd ever seen, maybe that's why I dug it so much.
Yeah, maybe Salo doesn't belong in this discussion but I had heard lots of artsy film critics