da Count

FX not demanding anything odious is perhaps why I'm put off by this article — nothing presented here seems worth complaining (or even writing) about. But I agree: no reason to be vicious. A point of view other than "Meh" would be appreciated though.

While I understand your point, I feel that the writer fails to bring any real insight to this process. It reads to me like the wishy-washy complaints of a young reporter disenchanted by the inner workings of the entertainment industry. I would also argue that it is not a "waste of everybody's time", since the show is

This article reads like a C+ "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" school report. It seems as if the writer's intention is to shed light on entertainment marketing disguised as journalism, but the shallowness of the content (Four Seasons has a nice bathroom?) is juvenile at best. AV Club has published some great articles

When the Chips are Crowning
Unborn babies make great bargaining chips. They make even better poker chips.

The Empire Strikes Black
Damn the AV Club for not mentioning it, but keep an eye out for "Night Catches Us". Awesome performances by "The Hurt Locker's" Anthony Mackie and Kerri Washington.

Find a new JAWN!?
What, does this d-bag go to Temple or something?