Youth Culture Forever

I really hope we get a flashback episode fleshing out Katja. She's probably the clone we know least about and it'd be interesting finding out more about her.

It's like poop spoiling.

Circle of Moms is one of the most accidentally inappropriate website names I've ever seen.

Kid's twenty years from now will read this book and think, I was born in the wrong generation!! :(

Fair enough. I conveniently forgot about that.

Weeping Angels vs. Silence seems more like it. Kids will have nightmares for generations.

Her?…. Her?

We had our own Pearl Harbor today Albert! You bombed us! You literally bombed us!

Albert… you were supposed to be watching the door!

Everyone knows Katniss is an amazing surgeon.


And he tries!

For some reason I thought it was funny you thought it was surprising that asians can rap. Secondly, even if the stereotype was associated with other minorities would it really make it any less of a shitty sterotype?

That doesn't make it's a good movie.

Because the stereotype is pretty much only applied to black people.

Anytime Leslie gives Ann a weird nickname it's guaranteed to give me a hearty laugh/big awwww at the same time.

Fairly common comedy trope, ESPECIALLY KidComs. More comedies would probably learn from using KidCom's as cautionary tales.

Only tangentially related, how about the "He's a bad cop who doesn't play by the rules. But gosh darn he gets results!"

What a time to be alive.

It appears i mixed up Regionals and Sectionals (To be fair it seems the show does to haha. (Too easy?)) but yeah as a whole I'd say the Journey Medley was best and crushing when they lost. I'd still say individually DROMP trumps them. Different strokes for different folks.