Cousin Oliver

This clears the way Garry Marshall's triumphant return to the sitcom, with his lovely wife Gillian as its star.

I'm sure that very lovely actress with down syndrome will be treated in the most respectful manner possible by Ryan Murphy in a series called "Freak Show."

Could appendicitis actually be better than a basket full of puppies?


This is probably true.

Fair enough.

Lea Michele's post-Glee career is so fucked.

It's positively ghoulish!

I'm deliberating misreading that word as "anachrophobes," which I can only assume is the fear of anachronisms.

The horrendous second season of Homeland has a 96 on Metacritic because all of the reviews are from the first couple of eps.


Dalton looks insanely good for 70.

Just watched the pilot; liked it a lot.

I use the term "lazy" in a purely narrative sense. The show is as grand and ambitious as ever, but I think Dan and Dave make some really puzzling narrative choices that strike me as being kind of short-sighted. They seem pretty uninterested in sellswords like the Brave Companions and vigilantes like the Brotherhood

I feel like the books toe the line between medieval drama and high fantasy quite adeptly, but I think the show veers too far toward the former at the expense of the latter. Which is a shame, in my opinion.

Speaking of which, the Iron Throne looked especially puny in this episode. Perhaps it was intentionally shot that way to convey how weak the throne of the Seven Kingdoms has become, but in any case, it looked downright tiny and not remotely intimidating.

Well, I think it's a stretch to say that Frank was being purely pragmatic when he killed that dog. In reality, he probably just enjoys killing things and was trying to justify it to the audience.

It's pretty fun to see Isiah Whitlock, Jr. playing a politician that seems to be the polar opposite of Clay Davis.

Season 1's completely uneventful ascent to the Eyrie was such a bummer. That was one of my favorite parts of A Game of Thrones.

I'm quite annoyed - and I sincerely doubt I'm the only one here - at so many of the book's "weird" characters being excised from the show. (Strong Belwas, Vargo Hoat, Coldhands etc.) I'd like to think that it's purely for creative reasons, but I can't help but think that Dan & Dave are just being kind of lazy and