
There was the controversial issue where J Jonah calls him the "Photo-journalistic equivalent of a back alley abortion".

I was looking forward to this coming back and the season premiere did not disapoint. Donovan does a great job and when he smiles at his clients or his "marks" he reminds me of a shark. Bruce Campbell wearing Donovan's shirt and calling it "doll clothes" was hilarious. Gabrielle Anwar is fantastic and could carry a

I always thought that Die Hard always owed High Noon a bit of a nod.

Were probably mercury.

I thought Tom Cruise was in "the Color Purple"

Bill, how are your comrades in the Asian Dawn movement doing?

I heard Mandy got kicked off of the Criminal Minds show cause he would start every work day by kicking his co stars in the groins. Man, woman, or child it didn't matter. He would plant his foot right down the middle.

I say we dig this chick up and piss in her skull as a belated birthday present to Nathan. Who's with me?

Shouldn't Burt have a part in the up coming Pacino/ De Niro cop movie/disaster? He could play De Niro's killed in the line of duty partner in a flashback.

Don't you think it would cheapen their heroic death though? They got buried in Arlington national cemetary and everything!

Please add my name to the people who were pleseantly surpised by Kunis' performance in this.

Movies with "Park" in the title
This could be the beggining of a B Vs. V mini series involving the word park. May I suggest Jurrasic Park, Gorky Park, and of course JAWS Park.

i'm pretty sure they're both out on the edge with death wishes due to a horrible tragedy in their pasts.

Perspective is for losers. Save us black hole, save us!

Maybe the gigantic super collider in France will create that black hole everyone is speculating about, then we can all be sucked in and spared this horror of a movie.