
Adding all these would be awesome! I also think they should have allowed to choose a preference for map, like there was on the first one.

But the hopping in and out of fighters was never promised. It would have been a feature of the cancelled Battlefront 3.

There are still boating sections, but they’re minimal as far as I know. I’m probably halfway through the game and only got one section, so it shouldn’t bother you.

Yes, this tile is sorely missing an encyclopedia like the other AC titles. However, I think (and hope) that’s probably because of the future “Museum Mode”. It has the potential of being a lot more interesting than just reading material but we’ll only know when it comes out.

It may seem ridiculous, however “Dracul” was the actual title used by Vlad III Tepes’ father (Vlad II), which comes from “drac”, meaning dragon (or devil). This comes from the fact he joined the Order of the Dragon. The “a” used in Dracula was only popularized after the novel, some saying it means “son of the devil”.

I agree about the influence of 300, but it's been extensively discussed about before. I'm not anti-Snyder by all means, I liked 300, Watchmen and even BvS (don't tell anyone lol). It's the very fact Elite Squad is not as well know outside Brazil that begs for more recognition. It could really use a good article such

Great article! This History of Violence series is awesome. However, it's absolutely tragic that the next one isn't going to be about Elite Squad… It deserves the spotlight, especially since there's already a lot said about 300.

I'd love a sequel to The Shadow. Though, by now, a reboot is more appropriate. Just think of the possibilties with modern effects and more mature plots…
And The Incredibles just needs a sequel.

Great article! I loved this show as a kid! To me it was way better than Goosebumps and more consistent as well.