Chris Peterson

Hey Todd. I think I made some of the same points as you in the Homeland post on my blog a few weeks ago. Check it out, if you want yet another (self-assessed) perceptive perspective: http://theburdenofbeingrigh…

If only the AV Club overlords were so magnanimous (and didn't require me applying for a job or something). I would happily take a paycheck to do this.

I don't get paid to write about this show (and am only continuing to watch it because I'm intrigued by the guest stars so far), but I did notice on first viewing that the episode was directed by Vincent Misiano, of West Wing fame, not by Joe Carnahan. Attention to detail would separate writing about The Blacklist from

Since people are still talking about Breaking Bad, feel free to check out the post on the finale at this blog: http://theburdenofbeingrigh…

This is probably a bit late to the game, but I have my own take on the Breaking Bad finale that can be found here: http://theburdenofbeingrigh…